
How well are you breathing? 10 Top Tips for better balanced breath

22nd June 2023. No comments.

Hands up who suffers from summer allergies? Winter sniffles? Or other seasonal, environment or health-related sinus issues? - Breathe easy! Breath is central to both teaching and participating in an effective Pilates or Yoga class. Everything begins with the breath – including the very first thing we do when we are born into the world – we take an inhalation. Breath and the nervous system Inhalation is associated with the sympathetic nervous [read on]

Are you your own best friend? Yoga practices to help you find your inner light.

4th May 2023. No comments.

Every time I deliver a yoga teacher training course, students are surprised at how much MORE there is to the practice of yoga. They experience how much yoga can enhance our quality of lives on a day-to-day basis – physically, mentally, energetically, emotionally and spiritually. Hence the increasingly popular phrase ‘transformational yoga’. It can help us to make decisions; it influences the way we communicate; the words we choose; how we [read on]

Discovering the Potential of Simple Postures: Delving into Meditation and Breathwork

21st March 2023. No comments.

Meditation and pranayama are powerful tools for reducing stress, improving mental clarity, and increasing overall well-being. But you don't need to be able to access advanced postures to reap the benefits! During the recent history of yoga workshop I delivered, I shared that there are 84 yoga Asana (postures) identifed in the Hatha Yoga Pradapika. In a series of workshops, Yoga Master Marcel Andres Hopegen stated that, of these, 4 were [read on]

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