Discovering Your Inner Energy: A journey to Chakra opening through awareness in yoga

20th April 2023. No comments.

"Where awareness goes, energy flows." During a practical class, one of the students on our 200hr yoga teacher training course shared that she saw an image of her chakras and the related colours on the wall opposite her! It was during bow pose (Dhanurasana), a deep heart opener*. “Was that my chakras opening up?” she asked. I gave this some consideration. We had practiced some supine hands-free alternate nostril breathing at the start [read on]

Unlocking the power of healing: The potential for transformation through yoga and meditation

5th April 2023. No comments.

"You can only heal others when you yourself have TRULY healed." I have been feeling a draw to run yoga and wellbeing retreats for many years. Last year I ran my first 2 successful retreats and witnessed some profound shifts amongst the participants who joined. At the end of my last retreat, I understood for the first time what it truly meant to hold space, to shine your light and to [read on]

Discovering the Potential of Simple Postures: Delving into Meditation and Breathwork

21st March 2023. No comments.

Meditation and pranayama are powerful tools for reducing stress, improving mental clarity, and increasing overall well-being. But you don't need to be able to access advanced postures to reap the benefits! During the recent history of yoga workshop I delivered, I shared that there are 84 yoga Asana (postures) identifed in the Hatha Yoga Pradapika. In a series of workshops, Yoga Master Marcel Andres Hopegen stated that, of these, 4 were [read on]

What’s the difference between a yoga holiday and a yoga retreat?

14th March 2023. No comments.

An authentic yoga retreat calls for some kind of withdrawal; from our hectic, busy, day to day life; from thoughts which tend to come from our subconscious conditioning and habits; and from fulfilling the expectations of our ‘human self’ and others. A retreat is a place where we can slow down, turn within, reflect on how we are living our lives, and whether we wish to make changes to improve our balance, emotions, [read on]

The truth about self-care and pregnancy: the unexpected benefits of yoga and Pilates

14th March 2023. No comments.

I completed my initial training in pre and post-natal exercise during my personal training diploma a few years before I became pregnant with my first daughter, some 22 years ago. Yet, even with all the knowledge I had, the specialist workshops and classes I gave and research I had done around the subject; when I reflect now, there were times when I didn’t listen to the deeper needs of my [read on]

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