
Cultivating the Relaxation Response: Self-awareness and mindful practices to enhance well-being

9th September 2023. No comments.

I have noticed a distinctive shift in my energy over the past few days, aligning with the super blue full moon and changing seasons; a time for letting go, turning within and coming home to self. Initially, I planned to work on my book at a friend's place this weekend, however when the time approached, it didn’t feel in my alignment. Instead of frustration, I sat with the realisation that [read on]

Discovering the Potential of Simple Postures: Delving into Meditation and Breathwork

21st March 2023. No comments.

Meditation and pranayama are powerful tools for reducing stress, improving mental clarity, and increasing overall well-being. But you don't need to be able to access advanced postures to reap the benefits! During the recent history of yoga workshop I delivered, I shared that there are 84 yoga Asana (postures) identifed in the Hatha Yoga Pradapika. In a series of workshops, Yoga Master Marcel Andres Hopegen stated that, of these, 4 were [read on]

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